Headed by worship leader Calvin Marshall and chief musician Foster Dumas, Sr., Judah’s Chariots is a worship band with a harmony of voices that influences the deepest love for God in the people. Performing original music, as well as popular contemporary praise and worship songs, Judah’s Chariots sets the tone for Sunday mornings.
As the anointing of the Holy Spirit is ushered in through inspired songs of warfare, high praise and the sweetest worship on Sunday mornings, many have experienced answers to prayer, divine healings, releases of deliverance and prophetic utterances.
FEET OF FIRE Dance Ministry
Dance was created by God for His Glory alone. Feet of Fire dancers, led by Vickie Russell, respond in worship with dances that flow out of the music to enhance the worship experience. Whether spontaneous or choreographed ahead of time, the dance is always an intimate and more demonstrative form of worship.
This team ministers to God and also inspires worship in His people through enthusiastic praise, gentle worship and intense warfare dance. Through the dance we express adoration that glorifies God on many levels throughout our time of worship.
Representatives of Christ's Kingdom is a dance outreach ministry that enables youth as well as adults to express their innately energetic worship styles. This team ROCKs the house to the glory of God. The ministry is open to all ages and includes dance styles in the ranges of hip-hop, liturgical, and beyond. We believe as David did: as we dance for the Lord, our worship is increased.
Principles of discipline and character development are a focus during fellowships that prepare for performances. ROCK performs in church services, as well as community events and outreach venues. It is a wonderful thing to see worship to God expressed through dance. We encourage everyone to ROCK for the R.O.C.K.!